
Obtener información de tu computadora usando la consola (macOS)

Cuando estás pensando en vender tu laptop, o comprás una nueva, alguien suele preguntar sobre los specs de tu máquina; o quizás estás haciendo ssh a un servidor y no tenés idea qué equipo es. Una solución es correr system_profiler SPHardwareDataT...

Getting your computer specs with the console (macOS)

Either when you’re looking to sell your old laptop or bought a new one, someone asks about the specs of your machine; or maybe you’re ssh-ing a server and you have no clue what machine it is. Well, you can run system_profiler SPHardwareDataType o...

"Marque uno para español"

Hace rato que quería escribir algunos posts en castellano. Por más que quiera, escribir en inglés me requiere muchísimo más esfuerzo y eso hace que (a veces) termine sin escribir nada. En el pasado había investigado para soportar múltiples idiom...

Automating chores with Danger

It’s been a while I’ve been thinking about writing about Fastlane and Danger. Basically, because I hate manual processes. I do. They are boring, require lots of time and they’re prone to human errors. The more boring the task is, the more likely ...

Querying Canillitapp with a little of shell scripting

I recently discovered JQ and it worked perfect for me to query Canillitapp services. Here are some examples: Makes a search (URL escaped) and shows last 20 examples. Transforms UNIX timestamp into a legible date. sh

Why I moved my news service from bot to app 📱

It’s been more than a year since I talked about botzerra, my news bot. Back then, there was a lot of hype around bots. It was justfied, bots are awesome for several reasons: mostly because users don’t need to download a new app (they don’t need to...